-1553/fullscreen.html?&seek=12&kbps=0&eAutoSta rt=14389848&language=&shareEnable=0&popupEnabl e=0&detect=0&loop=0&preview=0 CLEVER IDEA OR NOT ? HOW...
Im going for a shower. Now theres a question thats crossed my mind. When you go for a shower do you use shower gel first and then shampoo? Or shampoo forst and then shower gel??' Is there a proper...
Ok so i was having a small heineken whilst sitting on the shade at the gay cafe. My friend from venezuela was wearing a straw cowboy type hat to keep the sun from his head , always a sensible thing...
As ive been frequenting the gay cafe for a few months now and so as to show the guys im securre in sexuality adn comfortable in the surroundings of the gay cafe i bought a pair of these....
I have bee away for a kip for the last few hours and watched a bit if tv, Whats been crackalackkkkinnnn then folks??? Cant be arsed reading the treads so as craig davis said its been 7 days so fill me...
Anyone seen this? Got to be one pof the funniest films i seen in ages adn tom cruis and robert downey junior were class in it totally ripping the movie industry first class. opinions folks ???
Meryy happpy sore headed dizzy room spinning god its soooooooooo hot i feel ill and its not fair cos the blue label vodka hurts worser than the red and its all soooo unfair so it is innit ?Sooo...
Tonight i will be at a birthday party at the gay cafe.I will be unobtainable.Unless you call 0034 634 029 015.So its the gay cafe for me and kisss my bum to you lot tonite. Feel free to call . if you...
Whats cracklin tonight folks? im offski soonish as im expecting visitors from scottyland the nite the nooooooo they will be bringing tins of wild haggis and bars of scotty tablet and a plain loaf too....