Well folks had a few emails saying its as dead as a dead donkeys doo dahhh here.
So I've popped back for the night.
Whats crackalackinnnn then ?¿?¿?¿?...
Have no fear for giving in Have no fear for giving over You'd better know that in the end Its better to say too much Then never to say what you need to say again Even if your hands are shaking And...
First I've gotten on since the other night!!! No I was not annoyed or angry at you, nor was I getting on your case. Was trying to make a point, then the usual on here, others were chipping in and my...
Night out or night in ?¿ Chocolates or bottle of bubbly ?¿? Red or black underwear ?¿ Stockings or tights?¿ Spit or not?¿ Just for a sense of equality lads ....