iNAPT ARRANGEMENT ON TV THAT IS COLOURFUL - IS THIS PAINTPOT AND 14a SORTING? Is that TAPING? If so, I am quite jubilant and I have finished a cryptic!!!!
Will someone please help with the following: Representation of facial expression in textual form. I have /M/T/C/N. Presuming 35a is FISH, 28d looks like ALEPH (letter of Greek alphabet) but I thought...
Really stuck! 2d CHeeky child regarding painting style. I have I/P/S/O so IMPISH comes to mind but the O makes life difficult. Also13d They cut crates, use cleverly. /E/A/E/R/. And 24d What separates...
Stuck on last two, 8d In poor condition. I have T/T/E/A/ 9asuming 6a to be ABUT) AND 54D Behave affectedly in order to impress /O/E. Also can someone please tell me which bit of the Sunday Telegraph...