Troublesome Guiana reptile - is this TERATA, if so why as it seems to be a more generic word? 8a Ronald to perform musical work - Is this RONDO? 9a Thousands to be troubled by dog - I have BASSET...
14a Loud, I tease to upset and to keep quiet Is this GARISH please? Also 20d A little young to be obsessed by the craze. Is this BITTER - if so, why please
Is no-one else having problems with this. Short of many clues but would really appreciate help withpictures A, C and E, also with 1a Planet to worship, includes first of monns which is sweet. Perhaps...
clay containing aluminium B///I/E - nearest I can fathom is Bentite?A shade upset about, I phone Is this LILAC - if so I am wrong with Down with evil which I thought wd be Imp. Also Again in the...
Have struggled through this one with the exception of 16d The French name the man shortly L/N. I assume this cd be LEN but why? grateful if anyone cd confirm and explain
nearly finished, wd appreciate help with 2dSingularly leading 3-2 ONE// Is thos ONE UP?, 25D 5 Ring fellow before on, one from Middle East O/A/I Is this OIALI? AND STUCK ON 11A Actress knowing stream...
Help please with 1a An egotist's self assessment is defective(9) /M/E///C/, also He tyrannises poor struggling journalists in it /P/N/S///(9) AND22a Places one doesn't continue going back to (5) /P///
NEARLY FINISHED BUT WD LIKE TO CROSSCHECK A COUPLE OF ANSWERS: 2D One performing right inside worshipping, Is this Adoring? ALSO 14a Primary scholar, one in South Carolina - Is this Basic?