PUZZLED BY TOP LEFT HAND CORNER -1a For further consideration in Scottish law which I understand to be AB AVAZANDUM BUT 2D is Englishman shared Nobel Prize physics 1933 and I have DIRAC so the D in...
Where am I wrong? 2d clue is Duke of Milan in The Tempest - Prospero, 16 a 11th letter of NATO alphabet - Lima bringing the a and the o into the same square?
Some help to finsh wd be much appreciated: 13a Gather - /U/T// Is this RUSTLE? 19a Fraudster - //C///E/R 4d Artist's tool A/////S/ 30a Very ;large - /O/S/E/
STUCK ON 27D Bloated when some channel low, so lifted. I have S/R/L/N. Except for the R, I could answer SWOLLEN but the R comes from PRESSURE - CLUE WAS I'M SURE TO DISPEL VAPOUR.
Nearly finished but wd appreciate some help 26a After oral examination, one may pull out - is this DENTIST? I am struggling with 15d Fell very low- K//C/D/ED - IS THIS knockdead? and what is 19d...