Which football players have you talked to. Where,When and what were they like. Where they snooty or off hand. I was next to Les Ferdinand on a flight to spain, he was great, very talkative
1 What is worn on the England football & cricket shirt, but not the England rugby shirt 2 How can you tell if an outfield cricketer in a test match bats right or left handed (not a trick) 3Which 2...
I'd like peoples opinions on who are the 5 greatest sportsMEN of all time. My choices ( in no particular order ) would be:- Donald Bradman Michael Phelps Daley Thompson Pele Jack Nicklaus
1 Which 2 EnglishTest match venues have missed out on an Ashes match in 2009 2Who scored his last Ashes 100 in Brisbane in 1986 3 Which umpire always carried 6 miniture watneys red barrels 4 Who was...
Answers contain a body part 5. The ultimate in clean shaven affrontery (4-5,5) 6. Some birds need these lines for perching (5,4) 8. Afghans protection against a hangover (4,2,3,3) 28. A circular digit...
.......reminds me of those bank robbers in Northeren Ireland who suddenly found themselves with millions of pounds but couldn't spend it. Man City = all mouth and money. Nowt else.
Good morning all. This quiz is now due to close and I am still puzzling over a few of the questions.Can anyone help,please? The answers all contain or are parts of the body. I have obtained a few...
I have this horrible feeling manure are going to win all 4 trophies this season, i really cant see where the challenge is going to come from espcially when you consider ronaldo isn't on top form right...
Dear good AB'ers When travelling to Newcastle and Back this month (Jan 09) from London is is best to use the M1 or A1M - which one has less roadworks etc ? thanks GL
I don't think that Benitez is the man for Liverpool, i know that he has won the champions cup but his team selections and substitutions in the prem leave a lot to be desired and have probably cost...
good luck cloughie & derby tonight. you know you can do it,,make my day and i am sure that you will put smiles on millions of peoples faces. love glazier-hate man u