Sunday Times Prize Crossword 4676 Sunday January 10Th 2016 4D C?T? Gas a bird. Is it 'chat' as in chat up ? !8A R?G? Kit - second for Manchester City. Is it 'rigg' and why ? Think I'm being a bit dim...
46A Author of 'A book of witches/dragons/charms and changelings'
(7) -a-d-r- Doesn't mean anything to me and numerous authors seem to have written similar titles. Somebody knows???...
Four left 1d Nice son giving money for Iraqis (4) F??? 3d Time to get even with society (5) T???S 10a Volume of touching literature given precedence (5) ??T?? 30a Struggled again losing millions in a...
DTel GK 19A the fool's name for the titular character in Shakespeare's King Lear (6) I have N?N?L? Nonely? Never did like Shakespeare. 35D leather used to make gloves (5) I have ?O?H? Not a clue...