did anybody watch this? if you did see it, don't you think the small boy wrapping himself up and falling to sleep on the landing because they forgot to put him to bed was the saddest thing you ever...
I'll start the ball rolling 1) new shopping bags that stick together and will not open even if you ask it kindly 2) fruit with pips 3) stairs when there could be a lift 4) taps and showers with no...
I have just called the 'non urgent' police number and reported it, it is a very strange and personable item to the poor ****** that has lost it. Whether it was stolen or miss placed by the delivery...
3 more facebook members in my teapot tonight, im not sure i can take much more of this harassment, they are talking about me again arnt they? people are now using my ear to light their cigarettes on...
Its been peeing all day and now its thundering and lightening down in the South East. Feels like a late Autumn day. Has our summer been and gone? I think I must have blinked and missed it ><
Troll patrol if youre out there , heres a little something for you i found whilast surfing this afternoon. http://www.meatandcheese.co.uk/acatalog/trollp atrol.html You like ??? DTH?