Does anyone else have problems with the Crossword pages since the new style was brought in? I find that the pages keep freezing or I get logged out. If I use the search facility, the whole lot just...
3d composer covers very English port ?e?a?r?; 13d novelist sets finale above China I?? ?l?m?n?; and 16a furtively neared unknown minister's house ?e???r? thanks in advance for your help!
Last one - short but just can't get it. 21D Flood from river equally hard. I have R?S?. So I can see RUSH could be flood (just) but don't get the rest. Any help appreciated!
Stuck on just one: 29A Instruct wrongly. I have ?i?d?r?r?. So hinderers fits the spaces, but not the clue to my way of thinking. Any ideas appreciated!
Stuck on the last one. Any help appreciated! 20a Head for London or Edinburgh, say - this may be A1 sign (7, 6). I have CAPITAL ?E?T?R. So Capital letter is possible but not sure this is right - and,...
First time I've done this one - 26a sign in bathroom - "engaged" - o??? (4) 8d making brogress on the board takes a blow - w?n?s?r?e? (10) I've got windsurfed but is it this or windsurfer...