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5ac Sound of drunken sailor in unruly incident at the controls ?????k 6d Tumblers content -------, that's clear ????g?a?s iis it wineglass? if it is then 5ac may be Thwack but why?...
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4d (4) Drop a soap opera. I have ?a?a
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21d 'The Queen' film previously play (7) I have f?i???r 27ac Colour produced by tar after fusion (5,4) I have Union ?a?? I thought of union flag but the a seems to be right...
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20a Ancient Greek land mostly gone from ocean (5) ????C 27a Initiate and master churned up current in vessels (11)???????R???...
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11ac Curt's no leader, put in place by company group (6). ?o?o?t 23d carry on habit (4) ?o?e any help would be appreciated thank you in advance!...
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Boarding train, first to leave in the middle of night. (7) I have r?o?i?g any help appreciated...
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9ac. Drunk sees unknown staff in local, known for more money than sense. (5, 3) I have e?s?? ???...
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Good morning all, stuck again. 10a Junior will go round extraterrestrial route in plane (8) 12a Being ready to accept pound found in old cape (8) 9a Drunk sees unknown staff in local, known for more...
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13ac. (5) Form of fungus. I have ?n?l?, Inula which is a plant fits but is it a fungus?...
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7d(7)what lies behind pupil swallowing second drink I have o?t?i?a...
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11ac dessert or tea in most of France at one time (6) I have Gateau but why?...
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11a (4) brave conclusions reached by good people of jury. I have ?e?y...
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10ac (3,6) Grasp, by the sound of it, piece of cake and cocktail I have S?a ?h?e?e, need this to finish any help would be appreciated...
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3d you once invested in divine European accommodation for travellers.(5,5) I know the answer is Guest House but I can't work out why!...
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15d Silent film star giving first of last performance (8) 19a Tries to catch 'Points of View' (6)
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Taciturn Native? I have it as oyster but where does native come in to it
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4d A line in Merchant of Venice for handsome youth(6) I have a??l?o if it's Apollo I don't know why 24d Idle Brains(4) is it loaf? not sure why,I have l?a?...
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How do I change this to my own selection please?
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14ac Highlight in hairpiece on someone's head (6). I have G as the first letter, can anyone help please?...
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How do I estimate the cost of rebuilding my house?

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