Hi everyone, I think I could have slipped up, I can't see the answer for5 across :- idler broke law by taking rest away I've got S?S?R?L, I can't see a word that fits, I think I've heard sistral, But...
1 this latin dancer was the genuine article [4,4] ?o?a ????
2 lets keep this news confined to our own little community [8] l???????3
3 could be a young man a dollar or even a deer [4]
many thanks...
2d Woman in overturned vechile concealing terrible rage (8)?A?G?R?T
4d Signs from eccentric people (100???????e??
3d Something big in the bar (6) ?????R...
14a....Exclamations about man I identified in legatees....C?H?I?R
6d...Songs that would be presented with piano in dramas...LAYS ?
Can't parse this at all...
20a In racket sports a minor infringement or obstruction of the ball requiring a point to be replayed (3 letters) L - T Thanks in advance ofr any help on this!
Help please. 49d. A type of coupling for pipes.(5). U?U?N.
52ac. Evergreen shrub with fragrant flowers used in black tea blends such as earl grey(8) ?A?E?D?R. Is it "Lavender"?...
24 a Freudian technique offered by Liberal club(4,11)??E?,A?S???????? 15a Reckless progress, apparently mirage (8,7) ??T?R???,7 4d Animals only confused,missing love and reversing gender (6) 4th...
12A Bands making collections for speakers (6) -o---s 17A Explosive dissolved before detonator's top fired(6) -e-t-- 20A Cut both sides of tree sheltering last animal(8) -r---a-- 24A Turn using second...
8 across "Regular route undertaken with a bad attitude (5,10)" 22 across "Fruit avoided by vegetarians (9,6)" 3 down " Simple furniture ?(4,5)" 6 down "Holiday's affected-pack tents up 5,4)" Sorry, no...
Tough one today..... Oriental warehouse opening for auction after turning in Japanse art (7) N_H_NGA Pale Aussie Cook not offfering Australian special (4) _RE_ is I guess GREY but any help figuring...