Struggling big time today
Avoid irritating sort hosting sociey do 5&4
A party with stomach turning grin 9 letters
Stuff to learn this evening 5&2
Any ideas please....
Finding today hard going
5 a get behind report journalist initially mixed up 4&4
15d old title holders concern over rival 9 letters.
Any ideas please....
25a Polish woman loses husband ???T
29a Old coin in river retrieved and brought up ???C???D
31a Moneys wasted defending doctors diagnosis perhaps ???D???E
Then I've finished... Thanks folks...
This may seem an odd entry but i simply wanted to say thank you to all you great people who advise and help those like me who are not really up to speed! I am recently retired and wanted to try things...
Help please with these
Swing due to leaders going like rabbits 7 letters
Source top cup of tea 9 letters
Immobile ship one left in Ely 7 letters
Any ideas please...