To my beautiful Rodney. We got him as a rescue on what would have been 5 years tomorrow. He started going off his food about 3-4 weeks ago but ponced ours so thought he was being fussy. Turns out... ...
Good morning everyone - today is fine and sunny, a bit on the cool side but a vast improvement on the past few days, thunderstorms and hot nights and a nasty taste of summer to come....not nice... ...
I've been stuck since last night on SW corner and could do with a kick start, like this: 16d Earl cured, i.e. treated with hallucinogen - that's a generally accepted opinion (4.5). If correct: I?F?... ...
Good evening once again! A 'middling' FOUR out of seven for me in the main quiz this week: . . . but only a lowly TWO out of five in the junior one:...