Hello again! Whenever I do quite well in the adult quiz, such as with the FIVE out of seven that I scored this week, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-69407063 . . . I seem to do poorly in the... ...
My husband has been getting bad headaches for 2 weeks. Went with him to see Doctor yesterday afternoon. While waiting, had to getca bowl off nurse as he was sick. Doctor was worried and sent us to... ...
Good day, an interesting puzzle! I’ve got the Unclueds quite easily, but am somewhat at sea with the following for which I seek help. Thanks in advance! 40a Acclaimed a confused person from Scots... ...
Laxness was so rampant in idle heads of Ayr college...endemic ultimately (9) I?E?A???C Bowlers abroad returned sunburnt with book by "S" (7) ??R?I?S Thanks muchly
59D. We thought this sign was okay in the Colosseum. 6.2. -H--- -P 64D. Open up the French tour. 3.3. -E- --P 64D. Open up the French tour. 3.3 -E- --P
The instruction for modification is Select every numbered cell in order What does this mean? First Across answer is Navigate. Where should the modification happen? I can't think of any other word... ...