stuck please help 4D port in italy on sardinian coast ?A?L?A?? 21a RESORT IN east france with sulphurous springs ???l? 34A family of flowerin plants including bear@s_breech ?t?n?h?c?a?
hello everyone the patron saint of Tavernkeepers 6 letters ???t?n former kingdom of S.E. Asia, now part of Vietnam 5 letters ann?m plant which has tough fibres used for making cordage and stout fabric...
1 Down Peddle part made by plant (7) H _ W _ B _ T 7 Down Gold in Sunshine State leads to area's growth F_O_A 17 Down Bubbly fellow's eating very soft little sweeties (7) M _ P _ E _ S 20 Down Beneath...
need some confirmation/explanations 13a like posh fellow,perhaps,making bird glower 6 T?T?E? titled-gets posh and bird bit but glower? 18a exchange racket before smashing 6?O?F?? confab ? if belorus...
1 Across Army entertainer (4) 3 Across As experiment, it's nice if reserved cold (10) _C _ _ _ T _ _ _ 10 Across King intervening in strike in town (7) _ _ _ _ H _ M 13 Across Like posh fellow,...
11 across: Home, sy, visited by judge or model early (7) P?E?O?? 17 down: Bubbly fellos eating very soft little sweeties (7) M?P?E?? 22 down: For crunch match initially loading dice (5) C>O>>...