i am really struggling today! can anyone help me with 1 down rectangular object for holding papers securely ?l?p?o??? ,also3 downhow 3 of the countries of 9 down are collectively known ?e?e?u?, and5...
Anyone help with these few questions? DOWN: 18- Writer, daughter of the 7th Earl of Longford, Fraser ? 21- Al Capp was the creator the popular comic strip Li' I ? 39- Jung's feminine principle present...
Todays word must be a humdinger for 58 points - I am nowhere near close to that score yet - has anyone out there got the right score yet
thanks in advance
14a flyng saucers unrecognisable sky object -- f -- s 24a roman emperor -- r -- -- -- n 34a english country to the north -- s -- e -- 2d reveries or 1977 fleetwood mac single -- r -- a -- s 3d...
I make 41 across Adonis ,ie Of or relating to a handsome youth of Greek mythology, and if 35down is Secant ie In trigonometry the reciprocal of cosine, the letters I have are S-S-N-, can someone help...
14 across- large sea cucumber of tropical and oriental seas, the body walls of which are used as food by the japanese and the chinese. 7 LETTERS -R--A-G . 15 down- in arthurian legend, the faithful...
8A - gout of the big toe or foot(7) i have -o-a-r- 41A - of or relating to a handsome youth of greek mythology(6) i have -d-n-c is the answer adonic? 43A - of or relating to interpretation, especially...