1 Across Piece of music in Swan Lake perhaps shortly captivating those attending (9) _ _ G _ T _ _ _ _ 6 Across That is flax, that thing (2,3) _ _ W_ _ 17 Across Disporve hospital report of returning...
I have this one to do 9 down relating to Saturday I'm pretty sure it's SABBATI - E Is it sabbatile, sabbatine ?? I've googled with not much success! Thanks RG
Last Two 1 down french literary or philosophical gathering of the 17th and 18th centuries S_L_N 51 across ancient boundary between italy and gaul which caeser crossed in 49bc r_b_c_n thanks in advance
22 dn: God is interested? Not at first (4) ?r?s My guess here- eros with (z) missing as first letter of five letter word. Other possibility- eris? Expert opinion please.
9a novel in four parts albert translated 9 & 6 letters (haven't got any letters) 2d torquemada's relative corruptly quids in, one going to rise 5 & 10 letters 20a french gendarmerie kicking...
Getting slightly mixed up with the clues, was out last night. Ishould have asked about 35 down. unwilling to believe something 6,4 If I have the across ones correct i have the following i?c????, ?o?s...
18. Kirk got lambasted for restricting assembly of elders (6) ?G?T?A 13. A fan of lean cuisine, I love eating junk food etc that could make me look stocky? (6,5) A?P???R????