All answers are drawn from books, films. songs, sayings and every day use and they have something to do with money. I. A F?? D?????? M???. 2. A N????? A?? D??? O?????. 3. A S???????? R ?????. 4. H???...
This is a toughie need help please ??? 8a African port I get in casks ???I? (5) 20a ken avoided revamped comedy series ?A?E? ????O ( 5,5) 23a Creep put pound in dip ?L?N? (5) Plant ??? 17d I must move...
17d I have ?a?h? for 16th centurt satirist, author of the first English picaresque novel. Could this be SACHS? Help would be appreciated. From Harrytabby
composition, picture, etc made up from various sources 8 letters ?a?t???e a gold-coloured alloy of copper, zinc and tin 6 letters mounted guns, artillery 8 letters ???????e thanks everyone