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Lie-in King

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Can anyone help? I am stuck on one:- Any 2-word combination that leads to only one web-page on the internet search engine, google? (Answer begins with the letter G)
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Did anyone hear them on 'Pick Of The Pops' today on Radio Two? Obviously the BBC has forgiven Whitehouse and Enfield for so mercilessly lampooning their ageing Radio One jocks, leading to the...
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6d - remix of hit song came after dropping the magic numbers n?s
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Drug for stimulating the nervous system 28 across MOS. Alchemists name for Mercury. 20 down MOS
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20 Down - Became the most expensive living artist in 2007 (6-5) XXXX
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21d- secretary to labour leader welcoming in russian premiers guard ?a?r?l
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last 2 1a vehicle from italy is russian 4 I??? irus? 2d a maple to climb?it's a palm tree! 5 ??E?A thanks
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acronym for a computer code representing alphanumeric characters
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mos 18d forest setting for shakespeare's As You Like It(5) * R*E*
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Stuck on last one. 87a Objected to (6). I have -I-D-D and am minded to think this may be the answer. Can anyone help please ?
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2d Man wrong about modus operandi 5 s???n 6d fat landowner from North of the border disheartened 4 ??r? Thanks
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Four Clubs
23ac Chinese practice of spatial arrangement to promote the flow of energy and good chi (4,4) -e-g -h-i Any help would be appreciated my brain doesn't seem to be working today!! I think it should be...
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15d- it data storage accessory 1,1,3 ? d ?o?
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19thCentury M,A,E,(G,E) 4,3,5 (6,5) ALSO20TH Century W,S 6,7, letters
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26 down Ancient semitic people often in conflict with the israelites. ? M ? O ? I ? E ?
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conveyers of fluids p-p-s is this pipes? cryptic clue is pastries contain a bit of pigeon which could be smoked thanks in advance
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33 d any of the various willow trees, whose flexible branches or twigs are used to make baskets ??i?r Thanks in advance
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17a a heavy cotton or linen fabric with a printed design, used for furnishing 8 letters. 34a a large tropical American tree which yields chicle 9 letters thanks in advance
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21d- secretary to labour leader welcoming in russian premiers guard ?a?r?? 29a- displays a glint of desire concerning singer initially ??s?r?s
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20 down The Alchemists' name for mercury a-o-- Anyone any idea - as I cannot find it anywhere. Thank you.

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