The sound of cricket in Town? (7) C?I?R?P. Looks like CHIRRUP (the sound of the cricket insect), but why "in Town?". CotW :- Where residents have been spirited away? (5,4)
1) What's proposed in London Washington's declined to discuss (6) T???E?. TENDER? - if so, why? 2) Somewhere off the beaten track, unknown in part of Norfolk? (6) ??R??? 3) Scholarly poet and... ...
Cardinal is essentially parish priest in red uniform (9) R?C?E?I?U Well, it can hardly be any thing other than RICHELIEU (Cardinal), but I can't parse it for love or money.
CotW :- Casual firing range warning? (7). Is this AIMLESS?- on the grounds that if one aims less on a firing range it would be dangerous. If so, it seems a bit strained to me.
3d. At home, Mark supposing that Everyman is able to take time to be petty(11)????G?i?i???T. 26a Buff and shine statue, mostly vigorously (10)?N???S?A??
Just one query from Friday's Times :- Pathetic ragged child got back clothes after having run away (8)The answer is TOUCHING (Pathetic). Can someone please explain the parsing. Thank... ...