1) More than one here getting a drink (9) E?E?E?S?S. Okay, so ELEVENSES is a drink and 11 is more than one 1, but it seems reather pointless, and what purpose does the word "here" serve in the... ...
Just the 2 :- Lord Charles would've struggled with this flagon of ale (4,6) ?E?R ?O?T?E. It looks like BEER BOTTLE, but I don't get it. Trouble from drinks getting tipped over (4) ?T?W. It... ...
I've come to a grinding halt :- 1) What link attracts is a success (6) ?L?C?? 2) Unconvincing copy (6) ?L?M?? FLIMSY? But why copy? 3) You must keep getting gratuities endlessly for this reaction?... ...
14ac: God's railways terminating in London, etc. (4,8) I have L?r ?c?i?t?r? and 17dn: Short stories of a bird in a singular home (8) I have ?s?e???n Help please
18A Does perhaps rush around = tear? Can't see why. 12A I've seen comments from TioMateo and co and agree with the likely answer and the confounding word play.
Does anyone recognise this Georgian Mansion? https://ibb.co/Q7xDQ04y There's a cryptic clue to it's location/identification that reads: "This Georgian mansion is not found in Bamako, but if you ‘go... ...
Can someone please give me the clue, not the answer, to 5 down. There seems to be a bit of a printing error in my paper and it's a bit blurry. Many thanksz