Need three answers to complete, so any help will be appreciated. 27d.(9) I-S-E---R I look over trendy area outside Portuguese capital. 48a.(8) D---E-E- Lady right to describe writer as a killjoy....
Help again please, 4a.(4,3) Spooner's name for a ship-a carrier.
1a.(5)H---U Only started, Hyperion actually is Keats's unfinished poem.
Many thanks....
Help please to finish. 49a.(5-7) Isn't he a right old rocker going after female
that's timid? 57a. (9) Coming back to life, insistent on short break. Many thanks....
Can anyone confirm my last answer - 5d. (7) G-A-A-A From grey country, heading off to sunny city. I can only think it must be Granada, but cannot really understand answer. Maybe I am having one of...
Once again I need help to complete my entry, so any help gratefully received- 19a.(9) R-T-A-I-- The thing in games is to have a record-I like proper procedures. 40a,(6) -R---T Risk securing rotten...
Help please to finish, 16a.(3,5) n-w -t-l- Fresh design that was seen as a time-waster in 1752? and 27d. 8) o-e-r--- .Old poem containing very small mistake is set aside Happy New Year to all...
Once again last few are causing me problems, so help appreciated. 45d. (7) Appearing by satelite, has celebrating fans will see you.i Think it must be CHEERIO, 10d. (4-8)Different types of shaft-one's...
Help needed please-top left hand corner is causing me problems. 1a. (6-3) So long leads are switched on advice about clipped dog? 4d. (6,4) Sound of explosion and destruction engulfing stray ladies....
Having difficulty completing this week, any help appreciated. 23a.(6,4) Albatross on, bogey unlikely, one in front of road. and 10d. (5.6.) Rocky films, pants. Many thanks.
Help please 38d. (9) R-V-R-I-- Bank customer ultimately derisive after crash. 54a.(10) --T-M-T-O- View testimonial to be badly-written and lacking in length. 34d. Iam not sure if this is CANNIBALISM ....
Having difficulty finishing again, anyone help with left hand corner, 1a(11)
Prodigal making the most of ruin, in surviving. 15a(6) Fierce creature, out East, lives in Asian river. Many thanks....