Why is it that Muslims can throw a gay man off a building and the right on brigade do not bat an eyelid? If I use a less than PC term or dare to criticise a gay issue I am pilloried? You can throw...
I'm really stuck on puzzle 8. I've done the puzzle ,Brick Trick, and the question is 'A republic in Southern Russia has created a special police force to ensure that what events don't get out of hand?...
If not, there's a cracker here for your consideration : http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/28/europe/vladimir-putin-calendar-2016/ I'm quite taken with the enigmatic, flower-sniffer in March ... ... but...
Can't get going on this. Help please
1a Sparse (6) ????P?
1d Irritable (6) no letters
10a Providing a bill (7) ????T??
26a Observation balloon ????S...
On 23rd Dec I received an email from PayPal informing me of a transacti N for £535 which I hadn't made. It was from an American firm for an expensive Jacket to be delivered to a Coventry address. The...
Crack it page 63 Not usually stuck on codewords but can't get started. I have Number 1 as E but I can't make it work. If someone could give me a couple of letters it would be a great help. Thanks...
i can find no words...
Stuck! 6d ....... Sam cartoon character (8) Y?A?M?T?
7d Respond, retaliate (5) R?E?T
28a Societies led by women Matriarch
8d American inventor (6) ?T?E?T
COuld have some wrong!...