17a world famous sailing club on the Thames (7) ?E?N?E?. Earlier answer said Henley but this is too many. 11a major character in three men in a boat (6) h?r??? Also 5d can't find correct one at...
36a Greek personification of death, brother of Hypnos (8) T?A?A??? 4a The ..... parliament during Charles I. 40a Roman orator, philosopher and statesman 106-43 (6) C?C??? Thanks
16a French new wave close encounters director (8) t?U?F?U? 18 d muslim messiah to convert all Christians (5) N?H???. 28 a ........ Comedy, dantespoem ?I???E . 11d elementary particleexchanged between...
Still doing this. Help please on 13d member of 1966 World Cup squad (5,8) M????????r ?t?n. 16a Period of movement from high to low water (3,4) ??? Tide . Thanks
Help with a couple please. 11a very distinguished (3,4) ??e?m?n??? 2d Invigorating (7) ???c??? 2 d Precience (3,7) ???s?????d 21a Upper classes ((6) no letters yet 17d Player of a large musical...
Help please. 12a As is generally conceded (10) ?D?I?T?C?? 23a :ropriety, etiquette (7) ?E?O?U? and 15a Be certain (4,4,3,4) ?N?W?O?N?W?M?N? Any help appreciated.
Puzzle 9. 5d Tinkling Christmas sound (I thought it was Jingle Bells but starts with S (6,5) S????? ?B???S 3d Wipe out (7) E????? 2d Catalogue of prospective victims (3,4) E?? ???? 10a Cold and...
This is a puzzle with 3 answers and they fit into a 5 x 5 grid. Normally easy but I'm foxed this week. Questions are: Opera singing voice, Christmas hymn, Ancient Mexican civilisation. I have Tenor,...
Mornin'. Help on a couple please. 18a In theoretical physics, a tunnel through space and time (8) ?????O?E 7d straight line which a plane curve tends towards, only meeting it in infinity (9) A?Y?P????...