Puzzle No 7 (Take Three) I normally have no trouble with this. There are 3 answers and they fit into a 5x5 grid. The clues all ve five letters and are Dramatic performer, Boggy area of land and Lucky...
I do these puzzles every weekl and one is anagrams, of which I am ot to hot on but usually get there. This week the anagrams are names of six actors and I can only get a couple. I wonder if anyone can...
12d Member of the colonial partisan militia in the American Civil War ?I?U?E?A? 37a First letter of hebew alphabet A?E?? 43a River of Hades in Greek Mythology with waters that bring forgetgfulness...
29a Laws changing ules of enfranchisement, eg. 1928s granting of electoral equality to women (6,4) R?F?R? ???? 30d 5th century BC woman of Athens, mistress of pericles. Thanks