Bit of quandry, 20d Capital of Nigeria I have as ABUJA. Then I did 19a Nursery rhyme character who lost her sheep is obviously Bo Peep but this mean 20d begins with an E. Help please??
13A Nationality of whiskey thus spelt (5) ??I?H (Irish??) 3d State in the deep south (7) ???R??? 8a Type of paint (8) ??U?S??? 5d Second longest river in Africa, aka the Zaire (5) ???G?. Not doing...
Still struggling with these last three. 21d White flsh fruit (5) ?E?R?, 19d Cross (5) ?E?E? and 8a Follower of austere faith (7) ?U?I?A? Thanks for any help
Stuck on a corner of this crossword which I normally manage to finish. Not many letters I'm afraid. I bow to the superior skills of you members! 20d (Look) in a disapproving way (7) ?????C? 22a Of...
9d Rembrandt painted several of these (4,9) ??L? P?R?R?I?S 16d Sentimental, mawkish, anticlimatic (8) ??T?E?I?. Thanks and a happy new year to all and thanks for all your help!
Help please! 1d Easily soved crime (4,3,4,4) ???N ?N? N?S? CASE, 7a Stood against (7) ???O??? 3d ???C?M?N 6d Immaculate (5,2,1,7) ?L?A???A?H?S??? 26a Constructed to form a part of (2,5) ?N?U???