1. bedrock exposed through the soil and vegetation ( 1 word) 2. death of plant or animal tissue 3.dialect or slang for passenger on a bike 4 large coniferous tee of w zaand 5 cumberland and...
the nutty almond in question evolved in italy factor gangster into the equation he holds the keys (5) show off i fear and closes a high pitched sound (4) as to an arrangement this one is a classic (6)...
ok from the letters you have to find a tv prog hidden within. these last 3 driving me mad example RTNOMAIWNJDBEYR . HIDDEN IN THIS IS MINDER 1. CSOTLARDBOTRMXEJKE/ (4) 2. KTFHOAMLCIADTXSAYH (7) 3....
1. a thrush 2.short back and sides 3.rose of 4.measured journey 5.miss garbos river 6slow slow quick quick slow there is one that not sure of -- american tv show sapphire and ---- i have steel but not...
last 3 out of 50 driving me mad 1.noises of approval are produced by safe prognosis (5,2,6) 2.drama set in rural ireland sounds affectionate to seraphs 3.where you might find Ms Smylie trying on new...
beers 1.only for sale abroad (6) cocktails 1. have all these but 1 is small carriage attached to motorcycle (6) i have sidecar which is 7 letters what do you think liquers 1. coffee flavoured in west...
types wines 1.animal joint (4) 2.get dock to me (5) 3.annual november race to be first (10) 4.lino on board (9) 5.hoard for nancy (10) 6.greek in tears (7) 7.sounds like a waiter carrying the...
9. queue towards a certain direction (5) 10. badger help (7) 13. add spirits to drink (4) 19. an eastern pancake (5,2,5) 26 struggles to walk (5) 28. a little cumbrian (5) thanks for your help....