Local quiz question - Nof letters in answer not given
Question _ Make out the name of bird from the clue.
The clue is :- Do with mixed postal item.
Thanfor any help....
Cannot fathom these:- 1a.Fictional character from Spooner's island, amusing to listen to(6,5) ????E? ??T?Y 9a.Roman conspirator gets nothing for a barge(5)????O 17a. I have Pepperoni but cannot see...
Cant decide on this one.........any help would be appreciated.
1a A conspicuous constellation with four bright stars placed crosswise.
Is it SoUthern cross or NoRthern cross?...
Bit bemused - if 4 down is Klemperer and 1 across is Van Dyck - which one is wrong? Surely must be Klemperer so is it Dyke? Thanks in advance and a very Happy, Health and Better New Year to you all!...