9A Defensive mistake on the football field (3,4) O??-?O?L 8D Feeling of ill-will arousing hostility (6) ???M?S Now getting me cross! Any help appreciated thank you.
20A Worn-out horse endlessly tired (4) ?A?E It's always these little ones. Fade? Lame? Tried all sorts of pemutations but can't seem to find one that fits the clue.
Okay...I don't normally get involved in 'personal' affrays on this site with people, as often I see both points of view to a certain extent and do believe people are entitled to an opinion. I have...
Having a mental block morning over the top right corner! 10A Steeplechaser, one taken aback after spring (4-6) ?U?P-?O?K?? I assume this is JUMP-JOCKEY but don't understand the "one taken aback" bit...
Very puzzled ! If 23D is SAND (Flowerbed in the desert? 4), how can 27A - Small mostly disgusting beetle (6) be WEEVIL, which is the only thing I can think of (WEE + (E)VIL) Any ideas, please?
17A Dwell constantly on a single topic (4,2,3,6) H???, O?, ?N?, ?T?I?G 12D Archaic word for a severe blow on certain bones (3-7) ?I? - ??A?O?R I can think of lots of things that might fit - but none...
It seems everyone agrees that 19a is "cabin". but why specify "the commanding officer's room on a naval warship" when most ships have cabins? and, even then, it's...