60d met with success - was no stay at home --n-/--a--- 86 ac if thou has taken a job its serious ------t 71a release in 3 months ----- 51a whisper"are thieves" r-s---57d at this point the...
Mornin'. Help on a couple please. 18a In theoretical physics, a tunnel through space and time (8) ?????O?E 7d straight line which a plane curve tends towards, only meeting it in infinity (9) A?Y?P????...
29d Electronic valve with three electrodes T?i???
41a Sitcom in which Rachel Green and Chandler Bing were characters ?r?e?d?
38a American artist prominent in the Pop Art
6d Long loin cloth worn by men in india D?o?? Dohbi ?
20D Gary S?e?d Welsh football player and manager 1969-2011
29a Woodland bird Tawny Owl ?
Stuck on this final one - please help:
3 down Ortolan flying around pig at right angles (10 letters) O-T-O-O-A-
Fairly sure its an anagram, but just can't see it
Thank you...