16 down night out wrap up with club 3-5 i have -o-/c-a-o but not too sure 20 down oddly blue with pay rise and happy to get swindled 3-1-3 i have h-y/-/p-t again not too sure any help appreciated ta...
18 down vacant twit in tutu's dancing getting sounds of disapproval
3-4 t-t/-u-s
can't make head nor tail of it so any help appreciated Ta very muchly...
57 across Three to check hint changing world in Christmas story (3 7 2 3 6 ) -h-/c-i-k-t/-n/-h-/h-a-t- can't for the life if me work it out, can't see second word being cricket or maybe I've got...
13 d determined ones position with an editor upset having received note 10 letters -r-e-t-t-- I think the answer is orientated (anag of editor) plus what ? note doesn't seem to fit in ta for help...