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Am I being greedy?? My husband has recently inherited a VERY large amount of money from his mothers estate and he doesnt seem to want to spend any of it - no nice summer holiday, new car, new...
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why oh why am i watching this woman?! - i cant stand her!! grrrrrr ... its probably nothing more than curiosity/nosiness lol ...... anyone else watching her?...
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Being as most MPs are self serving crooks , what is the point of voting for any of them ?
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Hi I work in a Care Home which is a very large building with 16 Bedrooms, being occupied by elderly residents. The owners have now put the heating on a timing device, so the heating is on from...
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Tenant moved in July 2009, paid rent for July and August, didn't pay for September or October and then early November just disappeared, leaving all of her stuff. Sister came over to collect her...
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Hi Posters; I am wondering what is the best way to prevent / stop money being taken by the staff in a shop. I know which staff is taking the money but I don't want to confront this culprit. If I do, I...
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Does anyone know the email for the HSBC fraud department please? I have been on their site and It gives everything and his dog but not the thing I am looking for. Thanks Cassa...
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I am female, aged 65 and living with my retired husband. I get £368 monthly state pension, £370 work pension and earn around £100 per month with a part time job. Should I be paying...
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What is the most annoying advert on TV, and what is your favourite one?
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I befriended an elderly neighbour about 8 yrs ago who unfortunately had no family whatsoever, his wife died a few years before I met him and apart from his beloved dog and 2 cats he was a very lonely...
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Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, or if the Law section would be better. Anyway, my Partner has a property which he's owned for almost 18 months. When he purchased it, there was...
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Does anyone know how much is the maximum that can be transferred into someone elses account on-line (same bank) (Ive spent forever trying to find out on the phone) , cheers
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I seem to have a mental block! Would someone please write the figure Five thousand for me, (in monetary terms) I thought it was 5.000.00
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a clothes horse?
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I am an idiot! I have been charged with Section 4a of the Public Order Act and I need to appear in Manchester Court in 2 weeks. The event happened about 2 months ago. I am gardener with my own...
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This is NOT me !!! splayKickPlace.kickAction?u=8846093&as=27030&b = >:o(
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If someone said they were coming at mid morning, when would you expect them? 9 ish 10 ish 11 ish ?

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