my nf is the only 1 i know who sits down 4 a pee, i am not complaining tho because if its 1 thing that annoys me it men who leave the seat up. is sittin down common within the male society?
Hello. Im doing an essay titled 'the development of american horror films since the 1960's'. I am looking for good films to study which show how the genre has developed into what it is today. So far i...
i think i may have crabs,well i know i have,i saw something the other day(afgter alot of itching),and picked it off and didnt think anything of it....then yesterday i was still itching and saw...
Can someone please explain to me how come Sam Mitchell cannot contest Andy's will and get the house - they did not have their decree absolute did they - so she is still his legal wife. I know he...
I recently saw some pornographic photographs of an ex-partner on an adult website. I was really shocked and felt a bit sickened, sad and a whole bunch of other emotions. I quite like adult websites,...
A question for the male ABankers (and any ladies that want to add their views). Do you think that thongs showing above the very low hipster jeans that young ladies wear these days look...
if anyone has read my answers to best song/album you might gather i am a big fan of The Doors. Anyone else out there think Jim was the best. Has anyone been to his grave in Paris? anyone think...
I wasn't sure where to post this but here goes anyway. There are some children who play outside my house everyday. The problem is they often hit their ball on my window leaving mud marks on the door...
Typical Eastenders, get characters in and before they settle get rid of them. This gansta based storylines are not helping either. Go On BBC axe the show altogether.
This is quite a personal question, but I just wondered if any girls found there man to be a bit 'too big'? I find sex in certain positions uncomfortable and it can cause me to have tummy pains,...
Hello When I was quite young, I am 29 now, I watched a film about a man who got locked in a phone box (red uk one) any way the guy was stuck in the phone box and loads of different people tred to get...
I'm 21 and have never voted before but I feel like I want to now because as they say, you cant complain about they way things are being run if you didn't even vote. The problem is that I'm so...