Do all old men have big ears?, the reason I ask is the more I think about, every old man that I've met seems to. This worries me as I don't have small ears myself and if they get bigger as I get...
I used to work as a band 6 specialist continence nurse dealing mainly with patients who have had prostate problems. A highly stressful unevenful job I detested but only stayed because of the...
i went to my cousins 3rd birthday party last night and i was dreading going just didnt fancy it but turned out to be quite fun actully i was like a big kid i went on the bouncy castle and had hula...
Help please,some of you may remember a post by PK4 on sat the 22nd, well I went back to it, to ask how he was,he appears a bit down, would a few of you mind going back to the post and just give a few...
I confess I am an alcholic of 10 years now, I am 36 years old. Last year at work I over exerted myself and suffered a back injury that is still with me today. The initial symptoms were typical of a...
What are your neighbours like? Just curious as right at this minute mine are having yet another slanging match. I have turned the telly off as usual to listen, cos its much more interesting listening...
im having driving lessons at the moment (about 10 iv had) can anyone give me some tips on how to stay calm when driving because i go all paniky. and other thing how long did it take you to pass.
Think i know the answer myself...but wanted to know what AB's thot ! I rather abusive ex for mine was released from prison on Monday, during his time in jail i was his link to the outside,sorting...
I had to get up at 5am today to take the love of my life to the airport, he is away to work for 2 weeks :( boo hoo!! Im am soooo not looking foward to 2 weeks without him. Anyway, Im back in my pjs in...
I have a 2.5yr old and his not actually toilet trained yet as my 3.5yr old is going backwards in toilet training Ive been given advice on my 3.5yrold by you helpful people,But my younger one keeps...