Yes, I have now had a few sherberts celebrating the fact that my gorgeous, wonderful hubby is coming home on Friday! I am, as Jimmy Hill said, over the moon. :-)
I use T-Mobile for my mobile phone, but they are expensive and I would like to change to Asda, who have been recommended to me as very good. I would like to keep the same handset and number, if...
The introduction of 3 new house mates hasn't given the house anything, I feel it wasn't needed they were just getting used to the first 3. I must say I watched tonight but I didn't really enjoy, the...
On Big Brothers Big Mouth tonite, Keever was being interviewed and she let slip that she did not auditon for Big Brother, but was approached directly by Channel 4 spotters on the street to go on the...
In the new adverts in the breaks for Cornation Street one of the adverts has a painting over a bed and the woman moves to drink some tea... my riends thinks they remember the pic from their childhood,...
I'm just sat in Mum's conservatory while she flies around on her zoflora-sodden mop and I'm having a glass of bubbles whilst the door to the garden is open. The Gypsey Kings are singing Bamboleo and...
...doing a runner now that Audrey's made her grand speech in the pub about what a star he is and how she's going to spend the rest of her life with him? lol
For me today 3 different companies , 3 different issues --3 differing responses----- 1. Leave it with me. 2 .I'm on the case. 3. I'll call you back What do they mean ? For me today bu**er all. I swear...
Really down today. Still dont feel 100% and a certain pareny is never off my back. Ive just sat down the canal for 1hr to get sum blinkin peace. Cant stop cryng its like a flood. Too late to phonr...