AROHFITS LTAIBSTHBS IHTBOCD TBOWAR SIFAAMCPHF IBTLALLC WTSBTS thanks in advance guys and gals, not sure if there are some mis prints as i am really stuck on these.
why are there 13 ingredients in a christmas pudding?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
what links these two people? rossetti and holst? wht was once mixed with wine and used as a painkiller? who claimed in his writins tto have seen the preserved bodies of the magi on his journey in...
answers are all creatures great and small havng problems with cryptics guys please help??? Ill tempered support (7,4) A degree unaccompanied (7) sounds like water darling (8) It sounds lovely: great...
sorry, just a few i'm not really happy with, can you help? thanks in advance. But lady luck slipped around (4-6,8) Search intensively (6) You might find this Alan in a fruit tree (9) Instrument...
when is the best time to make holly wreaths and table decorations, i don't want them to dry out before Christmas. can they be made in advance and kept watered.
i have tried really hard and to be honest i have done quite a few (All Creatures Great and Small) but these are driving me mad - can you help me please? anyone else is more than welcome to join in....
not sure where to post this request. where is the best place to buy apples, cinammon sticks and other wreath making embelllishments. how long do you need to oven bake oranges or orange slices to use...
I hear it's a good place to play around (4) Some French percussion(6) I site Val and man confused ( 9,5) Legged on ale somehow (6,5) Is this bird out of breath? (6) Merry Scavenger (8,5) Discovered a...