I know that the field 4b on the front of the licence gives the date which the photo expires. What I cannot seem to find anywhere is whether the DVLA send out reminders or must I remember to do this...
Can some enlightened soul give be a summary of the situation in Pakistan. This seems to have passed me by over the last week or so. Has there been an election? What's Bhuto doing back on th scene?...
It's no secret I'm a sceptic, however what I was wondering though is that EUphiles on here generally say that most of the country is sceptic and have been turned as such by the media, anyway on AB it...
With typical Europhilia the Independent (independent? are they really?) seeks to reasure us on the so called "Myths" of the latest EU "Constitution" http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article30...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7047244.stm Ok there are a few cases where certain conditions exacerbate the problem but Perlease 99.99% of cases are self inflicted, eat too much, move too little...
I welcome the "auto stand by" feature however search as I might I have found out lots about it, unfortunately I don't seem to be able to find out what I really want to know. Will my recordings still...
I watched the program about the Windscale fire the other week and one part of it made me wonder about the nature of Plutonium. Essentially one of the old guys that was there at the time was describing...
Just reading about the death of a pedestrian by a cyclist on the pavement. This has been a bug bear of mine in the past. Why do cyclists think it's fine to cycle in the pavement? Why do the police not...
Well New Labour of course, step up Darling! I suppose we should be delighted, immitation is after all the sincerest form of flattery! Has there ever been a more blatant ideas robbery?
http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?fo rumID=3653&edition=1&ttl=20071009145724 They dropped the flag and anthem, well that's ok then, let's sleepwalk into a corrupt EU superstate. When are we...