Right folks, let kick start Sunday evening with a guessing game I took my sofas apart today to give the leather cushons a clean. I found 5 items under the cushion of the sofa I use most often,...
A bunch of ladies just knocked on my door to see if it was my cat that one of those ladies had just knocked down and killed outright! not that she stayed long - she darted off as she was late for...
you woke up one morning and everything you said came out backwards and you were wearing pink stilletoes and you couldn't get them off your feet? Be honest now.
Can anyone recommend a nice smooth eye liner that is NOT a pencil that needs to be sharpened from time to time. I dont like the liquid kind either, it has to be a pencil but possibly one...
I need to take a train from Manchester to Gatwick airport (or London) next month. According to all the train websites, the lowest fare for someone without a rail pass, such as a young person rail...
That when I post a reply to a thread, I only spot the spelling error AFTER I have hit the submit button? And why is it that no matter how much I shout "No, stop!" to the 'puter it still submits...
Unfortunately, I am going to have to have a self-imposed CB abstinence period, at least until I hand in my grant application on Monday. I stayed away all afternoon (just about) and can't believe...