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7/27 d Incredible STORY (4,4) 17d Sounds negativbe how the rugby out-half approaches his game (6,3 ) 23d Dark _______of the universe has no firm foundation (6) 14/27a Vortex,as put to text by Neil...
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4d Which city's football derby pits Rovers against City (7) _R_S_OL 5d AS sure _ _ _ _ standing here :absolutely certain (2,2)...
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25a Bring back......Toyota ? (6) 18a Dam effective WW11 (3,8,4) 5/17d A military tribute for one who receives the key to the barrack (6-3,3,6 )...
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22d Name given to southern states of the US (5) 21a Complete the name of the Irish language TV show :_____ ina Shui ( 1, 1, 1 ) 25a In economics, a_______good is something fot which demand increases...
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5d extra stick a snooker player uses to help him make an awkward shot (4) 11d Ant's partner (3) 16a A quarter _____ is the standard measure of spirits in an Irish pub (4)...
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17d how the mind mechanism of the military will stand for it ( 9 ) 28a drawing of two heads ( 4-2-4 )...
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25a Star of the MATRIX and SPEED (6 ) 10d 220 gallons =1_______( 5) IS it Cubic...
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13a In time, briefly, without vowels ( 4 ) 14d 80' movie about 'over-paid, over-sexed , over here ' ( 5 )...
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Alex Ferguson Joined Manchester from which team (8) 8 across 10a Who appears on Austrua's one-euro coin (6 ) 14a The name of this garment has become slang for someone excessively interested in the...
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21a Way to be - on song - on Sunday morning (4) E _ S _ Y
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21a Way to be - on song - on Sunday morning (4) E _ S _ Y
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1a They clean cloths (7) D _ S _E _ S It looks like "dusters " but they don't clean cloths Thanks in advance for any help...
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4d one working with tint is the hint (4 ) 6d bill acquiring credit thus (2,3,3 ) 27a wagers on, wagers lost (4,4 )...
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20d In boxing what do you call a short swinging punch (4) 13d Where could you buy Kimmage or Crumlin for £60 (8) 14d Street which is known as Edinbotough's best known thoroughfare (8) 3d _ ____...
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19dStick with a kick ? Bang on (8) 16d Racehorse trainer's brightest light is no super nova (6,4) 11a Littleeels (6)...
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8/12a Save the whale namely as seen on screen ( 4,4 ) 10a Son of 60s Tv talking horse,perhaps has it all well in hand (8) 11a Littleeels (6) Yes, a march out for those who won't be in the picture...
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9a ____ _ One: RTE interview series (3,2 ) 16a " _ ___ it my way " (1,3 ) 2d _ ____ For Europe : celebrated episode of FATHER TED (1,4 ) Thanks in advance lorus...
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24d 15 again ? Dream on (5 ) 4d Break ? Break ! (4) 29a ...ay...! ....and ...! ( 2 )...
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9a be they red or be they blue thry're English urbanites to you (10 ) 27a yes minister -sounds like silent Charlie (8 ) 14/23 c Is this how one can be sheepishly down ( 5,1,5 ) 12a Tab at Chalkies (5...
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16d Making hay in spring (8,2)

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