10a Yes pleases the eyes we hear, in the House of Lords (8)
27a But with the Director General on either side, no time out for downgrading. (8)
2/23d A what will save one ten ? (6,2,4)...
12a Bunch of siblings made it to big screen (5)
4d Whether black,red or blue, uncovered skin produces them (4)
6d Endlessly promising reforms to lawfully take people off the street ? (8)...
2d Thus was Dracula properly pronounced by the erudite Dr. Van Helsing ! (6)
24d/29a Even in harm's way ,emergency services are subject to a lot of flak .(5,4)...
6d/8a So where are he hornless and what are they doing (6,2,4) 18a Great Scott ! This one can flick that thingamajig and kick a jig to boot (8,7) 25a ...and don't mention you know what !Er,...
10a Is n't it the art of a sculptor ? (8)
18a See 1912 : only scratching the surface,this, fro what we can see ?
2/3d Deep freeze here: ice Orca can't break open (6,5)...
1d Men write about it in the dark then (6,4) 5d This has to be put down as sheer conceit : (9) 6d A little banger is all that was made of it...till it went down with a massive bang... (4,4) 23d Give...
10a Ducking and diving alarms about 550 birds in flight (8)
6d By divine favour is the true Christian marked (8)
17d He has a stable jod even if the hours aren't (9)...
13a It raised an eyebrow on the streets in the Sixties! (4)
17d Must get the key to this clue even if it takes an age ! (6-3)
It looks likes "twenty-one"...
" I know what you did last winter !" Bear hinted enigmatically to his mates. (10) 6/27a Below one hundred, we hear they flow! (8,8) 5d Could be unseen hazards here - just don't put your foot in it...