6/27a O,how can RTE resist disclosing this most unwelcome state of affairs ?
1d RTE 'S dim man opens the show - what a genius ! (10)
17d ...to break in, to break off or break up (9)...
8a For the African nation, is this the signature of one who once was Cassius Clay ? (4) 18a If you know it's a no-no just pack up and go already! (5,2,3,5) 1d Gotta pass their initial maritime...
1d Decipherers of the RTE Guide, share pride about being numbered amongst this ! (10) 10a ...to say you can't get a word in here (8) 5d What follows me far out is the outcome. (9) 11a Would you order...
12/11a One's mental disposition is for the most defiant to unravel (5,2,4,) 25a In a noisy Michigan city didn't this music get started with Rose and Bud initially ?! (6) 3d Archetypal 18th Century...
26a Move from side to side and return, nervous lamb may suffer from it (8)
10a Two crabs I removed from the curios (9)
20d Ornament to be placed on board (6)...
9a Off with flu lie 50 on the fiddle - fit as a fiddle and raring to go ! (4,2,4)
20a/3d Not on ? Er....might submit to this? (1,3,5)
5d/25a Head on, then, if taking the route to conflict. (9,6)...