My beautiful Steiff bear has been stored in the garage for sometime. He's a bit dusty and smells damp. I don't want to machine wash him, but would like to spruce him up a bit. Any gentle cleaning... ...
Hello. I'm looking at setting up an online selling platform as a solution trader. I'm looking for recommendations to open a bank account i can link to PayPal. As affordable as possible as I'm... ...
Hi. I would like to set up an online selling platform for small antiques and collectibles. Could any of you lovely people suggest some please?. Also any pointers for my new little business venture... ...
I had a back Molar removed last week. I've been reading about how my teeth may move overtime so Naturally am worried. Have any of you had a single dental implant is it painful ? Is it expensive?... ...
My partner lost his passport over 20 years ago. Silly sod never reported it missing. He's not been abroad since. He went to fill out a new application. It's asking for details of any old passport... ...
I purchased second hand coat, with washable fleece material from ebay. It's arrived but stinks of cigarette smoke. I love the coat. It's currently in the washing machine. I'm worried the smell... ...
My neighbours daughter age 7 is Autistic. The only way she settles at night us watching animated fairy tales on YouTube. Her mum is looking for any 3 hours plus but no adverts as that's a trigger... ...
I've recently started a cleaning job. In the coshh cupboard where cleaning materials (Including bleach) are being stored with tins of opened paint. Is this OK? I can't find anything to clarify... ...
Hi . I am getting a couple of cats pooping in my garden. I'm looking for safe friendly remedies that will encourage moggies to poop elsewhere, but won't harm them. Any tried and tested suggestions... ...
I'm looking for recommendations, for a British hamper company,to send British food items to a family member, who lives in Sweden. There are restrictions from Sweden authorities, such as no animal... ...
There is a black and white film set in the 1960s. The scene I remember is a single mum pushing a pram with a another small child on a railway platform. Police and social services come and take the...
I’m a recent British Gas new customer (pay as you go) It’s been a nightmare since day one The app isn’t working I’m waiting for my new gas top,up card to come I can’t top up via the app over the phone...
Every so often my niece starts screaming uncontrollably. Usually saying her private parts hurt. It's not all the time . She can be funny and upbeat but if she's told off or if something isn't going...
My Aloe Vera plants have grown like crazy. I have several dotted about the house that are fairly large. I’m looking for suggestions what to do with the pulp....
My partner's company has told him he has to pay for the renewal of his S.I.A licence fair enough. But have said said he has to do a first aid at work course but he has to pay surely this can't be...
I recently hired a carpet cleaner to clean my large rug in my living room. I used advised shampoo and followed instructions but it’s left it smelly damp and rank. Any suggestions to get rid of the...
Hi My dad who is coming up to eighty still drives a car. I went out with him the other week, and was shocked how poor his reactions are , to potential dangerous situations. He doesn’t check his rear...
Good evening, I was wondering if any of you have found your adult children no longer wishing to have contact with you as a parent without any explanation or refusal to explain why they made this...
A buyer wants to return an item I sold them. They have asked me to provide a returns label. I do not have access to a printer. Can eBay send one on my behalf and do I need to do anything my end?.