I understand how HPLC works. (HPLC stands for High Pressure Liquid Chromatography or High Performance Liquid Chromatography). I have been trained in it but need some detailed examples...
There is a word that describes the linear lay-out of rooms within a building such that one could walk from the first room to the second room, from the second room to the third room, etc. ...
Am I right in thinking that Hinduism asserts that there is one main God and many minor Gods - one of which could be Jesus Christ? If the above is broadly true, is the corollary of this that a Hindu...
Following some system recovery work (on Windows98SE), the icons on my home screen have suddenly increased in size and don't all fit on the screen. Also the text font seems to have changed. How...
I rarely use an angle grinder but need one to cut through some concrete base fence panels (they're 1 foot by 6 foot by 1 inch). Looking on the market I notice that the power rating varies from about...
There was a first job interview for which a smart suit was worn by the (male) applicant; however, the (male) interviewer was wearing very neat 'workwear' clothes suitable for being in a dirty...
Please could someone give an example of how Cyano Acrylate is manufactured in the UK? Please mention a few process details, vessel sizes, production rates, batch/continuous, etc. I have looked on...
My computer was used to access pornographic sites and has been infected with pop-ups etc. I've managed to get rid of most of them; but I have a problem on my start-up screen (the one that comes up...
I am looking at the above reaction as it occurs in the glueing action of super glue. There is one N per molecule of monomer, am I right in thinking there is also only one N per molecule of...
I'm curious to know whether or not organisations that employ actors (working as actors) are exempt from the disability, race and sex discrimination acts.
I've bought many kitchen working surfaces over the years. Usually you get a sort of laminated plastic strip thingy whenever you buy one which is the same colour & pattern as the...
I'm sure I saw a film which started with a scene set in a posh, European, private school. What happens is one of girls falls down (or over) the stairs and is killed. This is an influential...
Have there ever been any actual incidents of mobile phones disrupting hospital / laboratory equipment operation, or setting alarms off, or igniting vapor & causing an explosion?
There are 2 detached houses side by side. Both houses have their own drive (each leading to a garage set back behind the house) on the right-hand side of each house. The owner of...
I would like maybe 1/2 a dozen or so specific examples of tasks such a person would do; especially from anyone who is one, or has knowledge of a 'Facilities Co-ordinator'. The information I currently...
Suppose that there are 2 identical houses next door to each both built 20 years ago to exactly the same specification. Both have similar facilities; fitted kitchen, double-glazing, shower,...
...in the following circumstances. For example: someone (who believes that aliens visit the earth) climbs up a mountain on their own and sees something that they wrongly interpret as an...
I lost a close friend in tragic circumstances. I wanted to attend the Coroner's hearing but my car broke down and I couldn't go. I later rang the Coroner's office and they told me that the verdict was...