If you go to the google homepage and start typing the list underneath automatically gets all the webpages without you having to submit, a sort of predictive search facility, my question is isn't this...
10) Small metal pincers used for plucking or for handling small objects (8) F O R E C E P S? 13) Get-up-and-go (5) D R I V E? 24) 19th century American-born artist famous for portrait of his mother...
I'm 65. Does that mean i can't shout at the bloke driving in a flat cap in front at 20 in a 40 zone? Does it mean that i have to wear shoes with Velcro straps? Oh.... bvgger!! I'm OLD.
After having a VERY SENIOR moment and posting this question in History first here goes. We had a water fitted today and wonder what the average daily water consumption would be for 2. The meter is in...
I had an international call today from a chap called Eddie (or so he said). He said he worked for Microsoft and it had been brought to his attention that I was having problems with my computer running...
where i live jk rowling was born here banksy allegedly is from my town big brothers josie is from a village one mile away from me not bad for a little town what about where your from???? any famous...
I just want some tips on tracking black leopards or anything similar. Like best time of day? whats their habitat like? what does ther tracks look like? what does their poo look like?
Thanks :)...
A mate of mine wont eat anything that has been microwaved, and Im a bit iffy myself but dont bother too much about any health risks if Im hungry. Are there any studies either way to suggest that there...