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Why was there a massive whoohaa about the Celeb BB Race issue when no one even said the P word yet Prince Harry says it and you dont really hear a thing? His lifes not been ruined like other people...
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Me and my friends are thinking of hiring a villa in Cyprus or mallorca or somewhere like that around April may but we want nice weather! Anyone know how hot it is around then? xx
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Would you call this self opinionated plonker a good TV host?
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has just collapsed on stage?
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is that possibly quite dangerous?!
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In a hugely famous film of days long gone by, likely to be shown on TV over the christmas season, which character expressed doubt to whom about their whereabouts still being in Kansas?
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I want to be caught By a lasso freak I want to be kidnapped At least for a week ......... Give me a cow, Give me a boy, Give me a Cooowboooy!!
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The programme on last night about James Bulger got me thinking - loads of really bad and sick things happen everyday - things we couldn't even imagine! Alot performed by adults with fully developed...
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Lets do our own little poll!! Who do u want to win, remember not think but want!! I'll start- JLS!!
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Thought i havent ordered anything recently,this wee jiffy bag arrived containing not a minature but enought for a couple of drams of 12 year old single malt whiskey,whoo hoo,could be a tight sod and...
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On the Boots (?) advert, where they do the secret santa in the huge office, doesn't the blonde girl look just like Emma Rigby (Hannah from hollyoaks) I take it it is not her?.......
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The new Ad with the Ipod or Iplayer or Phone! Its on its side and the screen changes - its got a film on it or something then it goes to album covers??
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a question in the Ad section and am still waiting for a reply! I was scrolling down and hardly any have answers! And people moan about always posting the questions in CB! Its the only way to get a...
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Just looked in my wallet and im not exactly flush. Infact im a bit low on euros at the moent : 0( But when i look into my heart im full of love , so i will never be poor . D T H?
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I used to think he talked alot of sense but...telling Alex she might be out and JSL that they would win? Alex has it all shes amazing! Id kill to sing like her!!!
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The above-mentioned is an ex-partner and mother to Joe Swash's son - it has been said he does not have contact with her or his son - anybody know - I know they were featured in Ok or Hello some time...
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has just phoned me and said "I am going to a wedding tomorrow and I have put on so much weight i cant get into mine....could I borrow yours" Would you be thinking what im thinking?
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talking about and having a nice christmas if you new someone really really close to you was going to have their worst one ever???????????
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I'll kick us off with Chappatie

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