I am fairly new to AnswerBank - I discovered it by accident. Ive only been on here a few months. I often read all recent and past posts to see if I can answer questions or give advice in any way. From...
I've always thought that black opaque tights make chunky legs look chunkier, but my Mum reckons they make legs look slimmer and more streamlined. Does anyone out there have any opinions either way?
I have a 3 week old baby (9lb 140z), bottle fed on SMA Gold. Unable to fill baby and frequent dirty nappies, health visitor advised SMA white. Baby still feeding regular but still having very frequent...
Hi Abers, I'm going to make a chilli beef (using minced beef) tomorrow night for dinner, can anyone give me a tried & tested good recipe please and some ideas apart from rice or potatoes that I could...
This morning, I got a pair of socks from the drawer under my bed and sat down to put them on. As I unravelled them, I saw something fling out and fall by my right foot. You would never believe it, but...
If you have insecurities about yourself. i.e. poor body image. Do you think others see that too. Because you see in it in yourself? If you get what I mean
To those of you that have a nectar card have you received a free treat book?? If so have you applied for one? I did I gave 2 choices and received a gym pass which i didn't ask for and didn't want. I...
Why do so many people slag off this site and still continue to use it if you dont like it get out It's a bit like marriage if it doesn't work DIVORCE just stop moaning Dave g
for any of you that may be psychic (worth a try!) or are good at finding things, I really need your help. I bought presents for my fiance for Christmas and wrapped them all up last week. This evening,...
i crack me up. the answer to this is probably more a matter of opinion than fact but... does a handjob count if it is over a blokes trousers rather than skin on skin????????
The result of a recent blood sugar test, after fasting for 12 hours was 4.9. It was only after puttung the phone down I realised I had no idea if that was normal. I presume it is or the docs would...
I have just two answers to go til I complete this quiz. I have been doing this for the last couple of weeks and its driving me crazy! are you able to please help me? Breeches urge' arranged in a bun...