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1. Ah-ah-ah-attache - 4 and 4 2 are you making enough noise to do this? 6 3 and 4 letters 3 Best girl faces dinosaurs - 8 letters 4 FBI in a 2 and 8 ? 7 letters 5 Gambling? O, salary on ice - 6 and 6...
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We have to empty a house of its furniture and various bits and bobs such as china, glassware etc as we are selling the house and moving into my house as recently got married. We are thinking of...
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I have had two love birds for just over 3 years. Tonight I have found one dead on the bottom of the cage. She had been laying a lot of eggs but they were either both female or the other wasnt...
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I have failed 2 modules at Staffs Uni in my second year - accounting and economics. Been told now today that I can only carry on on a part time basis for this year for these two modules which means I...
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any ideas about how to light up garden shed with no electricity? these led push on lights no good - need more light. Any ideas - thanks in advance
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I work 22.5 hrs a week in the NHS as Med Secretary. having to do more at moment as others sick etc. Should I get paid time and a half or normal pay. I was told ages ago that you didnt get time and a...
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What will be the winning lottery numbers for tonight !!?
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Do you know how we can put in for an upgrade at work, Medical Secretaries there are a mix of Grade 3 and Grade 4 but the Grade 3's do exactly the same work and this grading was only changed with the...
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I have a job for the Uni holidays earning 5.77 an hour. I have just been paid for 19 hours and have not paid tax NOR National Insurance - is this right? Thanks
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I need to know how many gallons (volume of water) there are in my pond please. The pond measures Approx 22 yards x 17yards and is 1 yard deep? Thanks in advance.
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18mth fully trained springer spaniel gundog (bar water obviously) - Goes in to the water - all eager, splashes around in the shallows - loving it!! Takes a step - just too far, out of her depth and...
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We have recently built a dog kennel and run for our 5 dogs. We have a contoneaster salicifolius tree/shrub over hanging this which does have berries on at times of the year. The tree will provide...
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My son at Uni has the loans,grant etc from SLC since he started last September. Do I have to apply all again for next academic year and then again for his 3rd and final year or do things 'just happen'...
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Accidently hit someones rear bumper of an X reg VW Beetle. They are getting a quote for a new rear bumper. Does anybody know how much one of these would cost - as I don't want to get scammed! Thanks...
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If I let my house out ( I dont have a mortgage) and then I rent another one with my partner - what expenses can I offset ? He will be letting his too so we would be renting a larger one together but...
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If I let my house out ( I dont have a mortgage) and then I rent another one with my partner - what expenses can I offset ? He will be letting his too so we would be renting a larger one together but...
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ECG shows some electrical changes called left axis deviation and clockwise rotation. ????
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I have two lovebirds and didnt know what sex they were. We eventually got a nesting box and I think maybe one has laid eggs but cant see in the box and dont want to disturb them. What should I do ? Do...
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How can I top up my sons mobile phone which is pay as you go while he is at uni??
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I want to write my table names for wedding in Lucida Calligraphy font about one and half inches high and then the individual place names in smaller. Where can I buy the stencils? Thanks

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