9 across (4) travel aimlessly ????
11across (8) garden building T?O?????
16 across (8) leading contestant ?i?n?r?n???
6 down (10) irritability ?????i???s
7 down (7) with much enthusiasm ?????l?...
1across (9,4) editors refusal ?????t??? ??i? 8 a croc (4) country ride on a horse ???? 13 across (9) unofficial policeman ???i?a?e? 17 across (7) momentum i?s?t?? 20 across (7) shrill cry 6 down (13)...
8 across (5,5) pixie-style footwear ????? ??o?s
10 across (6) stipples
12 across (4) legumes
1 down (7) erect in posture
2 down (4) strip of wood
3 down (8) deferential...
8 across (7) majestically ?e?a??? 13across(8) provincial british university r?d????? 21 across (6) get back ?????? 24across (4) pause ???? 26 across (7) anybody ??????? 6 down (7) ability to speak or...
20 across (7) movement applied to cricket or tennis ball S?????N
27 across (6,7) mountain that could erupt at any time t????? volcano
18 down (7) give the thumbs up ???r???
21down (6) lots ??e???...
8 across (10) preoccupation ?n???h?r?e 10 across (6) dethrone, oust ?u???t 27 across (4) bouncing punk dance ?o?o 28 across (10) wavy u?g?l???n? 2 down (4) skilled and talented ???? 7 down (7)...
12 across. with overhanging facial hair or a scowling look (6-6) ?e?t? ?r?w?? 16 across interpret incorrectly (7) ?i????? 20 across. something of that kind (8) ???h?i?? 24 across nasal cavity (5)...