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Good morning everyone - very pleased to report the heat has (temporarily) gone elsewhere ...I'm sure it will be back with a vengeance before too long, but for now it's mild and luckily not too humid...
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Good morning everyone - and a very Merry Christmas to ALL....just don't start telling me you're having a white one...I don't want to know !!!! It's 37d today and 40 tomorrow !! Luckily we're having a...
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Good morning everyone - from a rather windswept south coast, while it's still sunny, it's got the bit between it's teeth and giving the washing a good that I like !! Not so sure about...
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Good morning everyone ...Ooooo!! Sunshine !! and with all the rain we've had, the weeds are jumping out of the ground while you watch !! In spite of that, the roses are amazing ....simply stunning,...
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Good morning everyone - lovely sunny day here, in amongst a number of lovely days ...we're being spoiled at present, though the east coast is getting a hammering ....some very hot stuff, too early in...
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Good morning everyone - lovely sunny Spring day here and not just for today....we've a whole week of lovely days stretching out in front of us the time it's over we'll all be shouting out for...
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Good morning everyone - Lovely day here today, sunny, mild, gentle breeze ...and no nasties around the corner, we have this for the next few days ...what a change from last week ...horrible, it was !!...
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Good morning everyone - well it's a warm one here, not as bad as yesterday which was quite vile, but nasty enough ...waiting for the cool change and a little rain the weathermen promised us...
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Good morning everyone - Oooo lovely sunny day here, great to be outside though it's going to warm up a bit for the next couple of days and scary when you think after all the rain we've had, now we're...
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Good morning everyone - well back to winter here after a couple of sunny days ...its windy and wet so useless for being outside ...just as well I've got a tricky crossword to occupy myself ......
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Good morning everyone - a bit dull and dreary for mad Monday, I think it will improve and they promise us a warm week .....will wait and see just how 'warm' ...this could turn into our first heatwave...
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Good morning everyone - I must admit it's well passed morning now, but still overcast and quite mild ...maybe it's settling down ...maybe not !! Tricky little bunch with the links, no colours but...
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Good morning everyone - and while it may still be morning with you, due to all sorts of gremlins, it's almost dinner time here with me ...due to ECCLES it's quite a bit earlier than I'd expected to be...
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Good morning everyone - Oooh, we've got Summer today ...but only for a day !! Back to the wet windy stuff tomorrow ...well I'll get the washing dry if nothing else !! One of the dreaded colours back...
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Good morning everyone - well I hope it's good where ever you are cos it's pretty miserable here - we've gone right back to Winter and I thought I was safe putting away the woollies ....ha !! Right, on...
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Good morning everyone - it's a bit on the wild side today, strong winds ahead of quite a lot of rain, though we've had a few lovely days this week, a real hint of Summer !! Pretty straight forward...
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Good morning everyone - hey the sun's shining and has been for the past three days ......what the ??? ...after all that rain I was convinced the sun had upped and left, never to be seen again !! OK...
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Good morning everyone - doing this rather quickly today as there's thunderstorms rolling around and if the power goes off again ...well this might be a while coming through....luckily though, the...
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Good morning everyone - well I now know what it's like to be in the eye of a storm....yesterday and sunny ..tomorrow ..more flooding !! well luckily not actually for us, we...
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Good morning everyone - well after a glorious Spring day yesterday, we're back to the wet stuff for the whole weekend ....pity you can't just call it a weekend when the weather's too good to miss !!...

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