hi raining again so doing crossword but stuck with a few in DR 23a burrowing rodent ?o?h?r 30a internet security system ?i?e?a??? 54a greek philosopher ?o?r???s 44a military evacuation of casualties...
hi me again stuck with 8 on our local quiz on scotch whisky anagrams here they are aitchnine askedhome sandnote hardhat shelving 2 words aquabe such artisterg gagahellssung heedmurkyloons 2 words...
hi stuck with 4 in this local quiz it is link words example fish - kettle - drum gossip--------- inch. potato ------- cream. school -----------------key. lemon ------court. thanks all
hi stuck with five can anyone help please 58a tear------- break apart 74aembarrassing mistake 6 78a long ago e??t 59d maritime ????? 69d part of a church t?an?e?t thanks again